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Many families cannot afford to feed their children or send their children to school in our country. That’s why I felt I needed to do something great for the Lord, the orphans, and the needy children.

Uk Ceu Lian 

and Dawt Kip Par


Grace Children Home is run by Uk Ceu Lian and Dawt Kip Par. The campus is located very close to LCH and LCH2 in central Myanmar.


Uk Ceu was born and raised in a Christian family. He and his five siblings grew up in Chin State, a portion of northeastern Myanmar that deals with a lot of social, educational, and medical needs. Uk Ceu grew up in a village where it was common that families could not afford to feed or educate their children, which instilled a desire to serve the Lord by helping orphans and children in need. He and his parents, Reverend Lian Sa Vung and Za Tlem, started Grace Children Home in 2003 with only one small bamboo hut.


Dawt Kip Par also grew up in a Christian household, teaching Sunday school classes from ages 15-22. She earned her Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Theology in 2004. Similar to Uk Ceu, Dawt Kip Par wanted to help others, going into social work immediately out of college. She worked with “Surpassing Grace” from 2004-2005, and worked with “East-West Ministries International” from 2006-2016. During that time, she worked as an orphanage coordinator for 17 total orphanages across Myanmar. 


Uk Ceu and Dawt Kip Par married in 2007, and have two children: David and John, whom both live at the Grace campus. The campus currently supports 26 children. Their primary goal for the campus is based on Luke 2:52, stating that they want to see themselves and the children “grow in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man”. In addition to leading the campus, they also both teach at the Bible school, and Uk Ceu is in charge of a micro-loan business that helps people learn about budgeting strategies.


In his free time, Uk Ceu enjoys reading and playing soccer and tennis. Dawt Kip Par enjoys teaching children and singing. Uk Ceu’s continuous prayer requests include prayer for the children, specifically that they grow up to be great men and women of God. Dawt Kip Par’s continuous prayer requests include prayer that they can be an even greater help to children in need. The campus’ continuous prayers include reliable workers for their chicken farm and for Sa Vung’s health. As a young man, he was severely burnt across 90% of his body. He is now 70 years old and also diabetic.


Contact us to learn more about Pa Uk & Dawt Kip Par, Grace Children's Home campus, and God's work that is being fulfilled there.

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Binding Thread Myanmar Orphan Sponsorship Supporting Family

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